This product is used manually inside room by guest and has functions, beside the basic one, to set up room temerature, to provide instructions to hotel staff, as well as to give information for the guest staying in the room.

Ideas that follow needs of the most demanding guests, related to high level of privacy, security and comfort, as well as simple information to hotel staff who provide inputs about guestroom conditions, are presented in our hotel electronic products.

The Smart Thermostat easily adjust the room temeprature, which is the basic funtion. Additionaly, this Smart Thermostat allows guest to communicate with hotel staff in a way that can call a maid or use "Do Not Disturbe" option. Further, the guest is informed about the time of leaving the room or meal time. This product ultimatly enables communaction of guest and staff in two-way direction.

Smart Hotel Thermostat

Communication between guest and hotel staff with visual presentation.

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